A Shameless Plug December 29 2013
Tired of waiting for leagues to start up? Itching to play some games with other Ottawa folk? Join Rob, the OAHGL Coordinator, on his Twitch stream at www.twitch.tv/bigpietv!
-Rob Peace
Shameless self-promoter
Tired of waiting for leagues to start up? Itching to play some games with other Ottawa folk? Join Rob, the OAHGL Coordinator, on his Twitch stream at www.twitch.tv/bigpietv!
-Rob Peace
Shameless self-promoter
This store will be used to purchase tickets for upcoming OAHGL events, including live events and online tournaments. 100% of ticket prices will go to charities, such as the Ottawa Food Bank, which we will be raising money for in Winter 2014.
Our first Dota 2 league will start up in mid January. Tickets will be on sale soon, and they'll be first-come first-serve, so keep checking back!
-Rob Peace
OAHGL Coordinator